Replica sneaker in classic black
Replica sneaker in classic black
Replica sneaker in classic black
Replica sneaker in classic black
Replica sneaker in classic black
Maison Margiela

Replica sneaker in classic black

Regular price €365,00 Sale price €520,00 Unit price per
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These Replica runners are iconic to Maison Margiela going back to 1999. They have been in the collection ever since. Dating back from the '70, the original vintage ones were cleaned, painted and numbered by Margiela in the first period. Afterwards new ones were produced in different leathers and qualities, as Martin Margiela has done with many other creations, using traditional technique and craftsmanship, reinventing them.

We have different colour versions for these trainers, but this one is, next to the dirty white one, part of the very first ones. Iconic classic black with just like the original ones, always a combination of suede and nappa leather.

They are lightweight but very solid, also they keep an elegant line to them with the oval shaped toe. You can wear them all year round, season after season.

The sole is in rubber and the upper is full leather, to be worn with or without laces. The insole can be taken out if necessary.

Sizing is normal. Made in Italy.